Saturday, October 25, 2014

Spa Day

Saturday night we went to a water spa.  It was like a big pool with different sections that give you different massages. There were saunas that I could not stand to sit in even for five seconds. There were  hot and freezing little pools to sit in. Cynthia sat the freezing pool for 30 seconds and started bragging about it, so of course I had to beat her.  So I sat in it for 60 seconds.  The Chinese men were clapping for me. There was also a pool outside with a cool water slide that we raced down and did cool things down.  Our excuse for not following any rules was that we couldn't read them. haha we were required to wear these swim caps.
We had to take a picture with this chubby cutie.
 lookin like gangsters


Picnic with the 2nd graders

Saturday morning we had a picnic with the second graders.  It was so fun!  There were 24 kids so we divided into 2 groups and played games with them.  It was so fun to actually interact with the kids outside of class.  This is Henry.  He is quite stylish.

 This is my Yeeky.  I say "my" because she's in my home group.  She's one of my favorite students.  She has quite the personality.  I tell her "Yeeky, Wa ie ni" (which means I love you) and she says "I love you!"
Everyone at the picnic

Happy Birthday!

Friday October 24th was Miranda's birthday.  We woke up to this beautiful sight.


 Miranda was in charge of opening on Friday and we all made sure that all the kids knew it was her birthday. We sang happy birthday to her.  Later in class one of Miranda's home group students kept telling her, "teacha, no gift" and then he ran away.  A few minutes later he was using Amber's phone to call his mom.  He called his mom to tell her that it was Miranda's birthday. They took us out to eat, bought her a cake, then took us to the grocery store, Dafien, to get us groceries.  They are incredibly nice and selfless.

 This is Jackson, Miranda's student who called his mom to take us to dinner.

 On our way home from dinner we got tatas.  Tatas are little motorcycle things that have a cart on the back of them for people to sit in. We got to separate tatas and before you know it we were racing.  One of us would pull ahead of the other and we would scream "ya, go go go!" We turned down the street we live on and this is where the real fun began.  We were dogging cars that were parked on the side of the road along with dodging cars that were coming the opposite way.  There were large speed bumps that we had to slow down for.  It was a very close race, but my tata ended up winning!  When we got home we invited people over for Miranda's party. Some of the girls bought her this stuff.  I bought her the work out Insanity and another dance one that she wanted. She loved all her gifts and was so grateful for everything.

 We played a candy bar game.  Normally this game is played with oven mitts and a knife, but we improvised and used chopsticks. It was so fun even though I only got one bite of the candy bar.

Miranda got two birthday cakes! this one was from Amber, our coordinator.

 we also played the M&M game.  In this game you use a straw to get as many M&M's as possible before someone else rolls doubles.  Britta dominated.
 The cake was delicious!



Amber didn't want to drive home after the party so she stayed the night.  I let her where my clothes and I told her to pose like me.  She said, "You always pose like this." This is close it gets!  

Divergent Day

We are crazy.
 October 22nd is Divergent Day.  My roommate Cynthia loves Divergent! So we each took a test that told us which group we belonged to and dressed up (well wore the right colors) for the group we belong to.
 I am abnegation (selfless) Miranda is Candor (honest and order Amanda is Divergent (rebel) Cynthia is Dauntless (protection and bravery) Britta is Erudite (knowledgeable)

 This picture is my all time favorite, it shows our personalities well.

 We also watched the movie Divergent!

 For my lesson I was using these glasses.  So of course, we all had to put them on.
 I'm getting better at doing my hair in braids!

"Two enthusiastic thumbs up!"

On Friday the 18th all of the foreign English teachers were able to be the judges of an English talent show. This  is my Betty who is very good at speaking English.  She told a story for her talent about a bell.
 Cindy and Betty, Cindy sang five little monkeys for her talent.
 They gave each of us two thumbs up.  When we really liked the talent we put both of them up.
 "Two enthusiastic thumbs up!"
 These kids were the MC's.  They rocked it and were so cute.
 these cuties sang together, while swaying back and forth.
 and the winner of they talent show goes to..........EVERYONE!