Thursday, November 20, 2014

Avatar Mountains

The second day of our vacation was a success! We were ready by 8:00 AM and there was a man in our lobby who works at our hostel who was there to help us find our way.  He told us he would take us to the bus stop.  He grabbed his bike, so he could bike back to the hostel, and we started walking.  We only got a little ways and he said something about tickets.  Apparently I was supposed to have my ticket from yesterday with me and I left it in the hostel.  Whoops! yes... I was one of those people. He told me to take his bike and go get it.  He said "quickly!" I was speedy. He then showed us the way to the bus and we parted ways. We had about a 45 minute ride to the mountain. This is what it looked like when we got there.

 Once we got there we took a 5 minute ride (which was curvy and crazy!) We bought tickets for this big huge elevator that went all the way up to the top of the mountain. It was pretty dang cool. While we were buying tickets we saw this cute old lady

Once we got to the top we took some trails and hiked for a while. By hiking I mean a BUNCH of stairs. While we were hiking I saw a skinny little tree and I said "let's go coloradoing!" and I jumped on the tree.  I immediately started slipping down, spinning all the way to the ground. It was pretty dang funny. When we got to an open area we took some group photos with a timer.

This picture is my favorite.  It shows our personalities well.
Solo pics

The view... ahhh

After we took some pictures I climbed to the top of a rock and I found a little bottle of liquid that I figured was like alcohol or something.  I picked it up and shouted to my roommates, "Who wants to join me?!" Jocelyn immediately yelled back "I'm pretty sure that's pee" I think she was right so I quickly dropped it. Four of us sat on the very back row and we played some seriously awesome jello! The road was so curvy that the game was epic and we would get thrown all over. People all took pictures with us.  It was so fun! After we got off the bus we walked some more and found a McDonalds on the top of this mountain. McDonalds never fails! haha We ate lunch and drank some hot coco. yum! We hiked some more and did some shopping.


Pictures of the view

We found this little pond full of turtles and coins so I flipped a coin in.

We hiked some more then stopped for a rest at this little place.  These lantern things are made our of people's business cards.
 Also this baby was there. His parents helped us find our way.
We found this cool place where people would put locks on the rail and throw the keys in the valley.

Some more pictures of the view

We tried to find our way out but the fastest way out was forever away.  We walked for like two hours of straight stairs. After a while of walking we came to these guys with chairs and poles attached to them.  They wanted to carry us down on them. They were very persistent and pushed me into the chairs.  I kept saying no and finally got away.
We FINALLY reahed the bottom and took a train for about 10 minutes.  I sat next to this little old lady.  She said something in Chinese to me and I said "Ting boo dong." (I don't understand) She then pulled out whistles and tried selling them to me.  They take their work seriously. haha
We took a 45 minute bus ride home and went to McDonalds for some hot coco. We went to dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant there.  Dinner was so fun and the conversation was great! It was about our "rebel days" We showered and played cards again.  I love this  whole vacation thing!



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