Thursday, September 4, 2014

Out on the town

Today we toured our city a little bit. Holy cow, I have never felt so much like a celebrity in my life! Everyone stares at us and will sometimes say hello, just because we are white! One girl even came up to us and told us we are beautiful. We also get a lot of people who "sneak" pictures of us. 
China doesn't really have crosswalks so j walking is completely legal. People honk on their horns like there's no tomorrow. They honk to say hi to you, they honk to tell you to move, they honk to warn you they are beside you. Honk honk honk! I'm surprised it's not called honk kong! The people are crazy drivers! This is us on the bus that we will be taking often.

We had an incident today where this old shirtless man with long fingernails came and asked us for money. He touched every single one of us and spoke something in Chinese. Pretty soon there was a bunch of people surrounding us. We didn't really know what was going on, but our leader amber did. I still don't really know what was going on. 
So littering is totally legal too! You can just throw your trash on the ground whenever you want. They have people who clean up. I felt bad about littering but it was kinda cool.  Here is our trash after eating some ice cream. 

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